We at Graffiti Removal Chemicals do not just sell products!
We pride ourselves in delivering:
Cost effective solutions
On-going training
Technical support
Business mentoring,
Marketing and sales support
We are here to help you grow your business, does your current supplier?
Our graffiti removal products always were and always will be made in Australia for Australian conditions
by Contractors for Contractors Australia - Wide

In 2001 Graffiti Removal Systems Pty Ltd was originally a graffiti removal contracting company working in Melbourne and surrounds to tackle the emerging graffiti vandalism growth.
We quickly discovered that all chemicals available on the market, local and imported, only achieved moderate and mediocre results. In fact in most cases they only removed 60-70% of the graffiti, damaged the surface and left shadows....in other words “a half job”. Not good enough.
These are typical of the chemicals you find in hardware stores, paint shops, on line and are usually part of a broad range of general cleaning products. These companies don't specialize in graffiti removal chemicals. Alarmingly, most say the graffiti is "best removed when it's fresh”
In order to improve to a 100% result, which is what we all should expect, we enlisted an industrial chemist who is still working with us tirelessly to continually develop and improve our EzyClean range of graffiti removal products to deliver professional results guaranteeing no damage, no shadows and ease of use.
We guarantee with the correct product selection, it does not matter if the graffiti is 24 hours old or 24 years old.
Why choose Graffiti Removal Chemicals?
Because we have a solution for every surface
Proven & tested in the field not in a lab. Guaranteed to work.
Our EzyClean Graffiti Removal Products were tested daily in the field by our technicians on all surfaces which had been vandalized with spray cans, textas, inks, oils, wood stains, dyes, raven oils... the list goes on, all within the contracts we held with Government, Councils, Schools etc...in excess of 100,000 removals.
The criteria was unconditional in that the product had to be effective, remove graffiti totally, no damage to the surface, environmentally responsible, easy to use, be fast acting and be Australian Made.
The majority of chemical companies still to this day, develop their products in a lab thinking they will work on anything & everything...they don’t, we have tried them all.
In 2004 we launched the EzyClean range of graffiti removal chemicals to give Councils, Contractors, Schools, Cleaners etc, the best products available to deal with escalating graffiti vandalism and we are proud to say a large majority of our customers are still with us 15 years on.
Our exclusive new "SupaSafe" range has been independently tested and meets all Australian Government Non Dangerous Goods Criteria.
Our SupaSafe Graffiti Removals Chemicals are now available to any poor soul who has been inflicted with graffiti vandalism Australia-wide.
As these graffiti vandals are creating more potent defacing mediums, you can be assured we will always be developing and testing our products to meet these challenges.

"Our crews continue to use the EzyClean Graffiti Removal range of products and have done so every day since 2008. Your products work all the time, every time"
Exceloo. Australia

"We were challenged with removing graffiti that was over 40 years old from Indigenous Caves, your EzyClean Brown removed all the graffiti without any damage to this sacred site"
NSW Wildlife & Heritage
"After many failed attempts, I used your EzyClean Red Remover. The result speaks for itself.
My client is delighted and your products are brilliant"
BP Professional Cleaning. Sunshine Coast QLD
As you are aware graffiti vandalism is an expensive, thankless and time consuming job that seems never ending.
Our Company has been providing cost effective and environmentally responsible graffiti removal solutions to
Councils in Vic & NSW since 2001.
I guarantee you will achieve first class results as there are two major advantages with our chemicals.
EzyClean Graffiti Removal Chemicals work extremely well in hot, dry conditions
EzyClean Graffiti Removal Chemicals work extremely well "wet on wet"
We needed to make sure that our Graffiti Removal Chemicals performed to the optimum in the warmer parts of the Australian climate.
The superior wetting agent in our chemicals will not allow the product to dry out quickly making the graffiti
easier to remove... even in our "very hot" Australian conditions
Our chemicals are unique in the sense that you can apply them wet on wet.
90%+ of all other graffiti removal chemicals require the substrate to be dry before re application (this costs you time & money).
The Benefits of using our EzyClean Graffiti Removal Products
Your productivity is increased. You use less chemical. 75% less water rinsing. You have happier team members.
Removing graffiti is a thankless task so make it easier and more cost effective by using our EzyClean Graffiti Removal Products.
"We have been using your fantastic range of graffiti removal products for over 10 years and never had a failure.
Works Dept. City of Yarra
Our "Contractor Tuff" range of
Graffiti Removal Products
are made
by Contractors for Contractors
"Your Graffiti EzyWipes are amazing. The NT Government is delighted.
The sign is as good as new"
Cremasco Civil Darwin NT
"Greg, I am no longer haunted by the failure of shadows & ghosting. Since using your EzyClean Red and EzyClean Pink Graffiti Removers, I have 100% success all the time"
DJ's Graffiti Removal. Ballarat
"Since using your EzyClean Graffiti Remover range, I have never looked back.
Thanks for all your help. Your products are brilliant"
Projects Plus Graffiti Removal. Victoria
These vandals call it art?
With our range of EzyClean Graffiti Removal Products, we guarantee...you can call it "HISTORY"
No need to search the world for the best graffiti removal products.
The best graffiti removal products in the world are right here in Australia at Graffiti Removal Chemicals.
Proudly Australian Made